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  • 预订时需要支付任何预付费用吗?
  • 如何知道要预订哪项服务?
    别担心,我们会从第 2 层或第 3 层的清洁开始所有第一次使用的客户。这样做是为了跟上我们的清洁水平标准。
  • 如果我的服务花费的时间比预订清单上的估计时间长怎么办?
  • 我可以预订多个地方吗?
  • 我可以为每项工作申请 the same 清洁专业版吗?
    我们很乐意让我们的客户满意,如果您与特定的专业人士建立了联系,我们会高度重视。大多数情况下,我们将能够满足该请求,但由于日程安排和其他几个因素,您可能不会每次都获得完全相同的 Pro。请放心,我们所有的专业人士在客户关系方面都非常出色,因此您会对遇到的每一位专业人士感到满意。
  • 如何预订商业清洁?
    点击菜单上的商业链接。 点击立即预订按钮。 点击按钮选择您的初次咨询虚拟会议的日期和时间。 我们将通过电子邮件向您发送有关我们讨论的所有内容的详细信息。 然后您将能够以虚拟方式或亲自签署合同。
  • 如何预订住宅清洁?
    点击菜单上的住宅链接。 点击页面底部的立即预订按钮。 点击页面底部的立即预订体验按钮。 选择你的县。 下载您的虚拟清单。 填写我们的预订计算器和表格。 我们将通过您确认的预订信息向您发送电子邮件。
  • How to book with Groupon?
    Click on Residential link on menu. Choose call to book or book online now. Book online only Pick your county. Input how you heard about us. Fill out the booking form. We will email you over a confirmation email.
  • How to cancel cleaning subscription?
    To not be charged for the following month you must cancel before your next billing cycle. You can cancel in your 1. Member service area. 2. Emailing 3. Calling 404-735-6686.
  • How do subscriptions work?
    Booking a subscription is a great way to save on your cleaning services. You will be able to customize which service you want , date, and time. With no long term obligations or contracts involved. You receive priority booking over all clients with last minute appointment option available.
  • How to start a cleaning subscription?
    Either give us a call or book online. Book online only Click Residential on menu. Input county Input how you heard about us. On the booking form choose cleaning subscription on the discount tab. Follow the steps on booking form. All payments are due on the day you choose for your plan to start.
  • Difference between hourly and checklist guaranteed?
    Hourly is best when you don't need all your areas cleaned and don't need everything completed on the checklist. Example. I only want my bathrooms cleaned. Checklist guaranteed is best when you want all areas touched and want everything completed on the checklist, or if you have not had professional cleaning recently.
  • What's covered during cleaning?
    You and all your property is covered while cleaners are on your premises. Please note we only cover items that were damaged due to cleaners. Example. Cleaner accidentally knocks over vase. We do not cover items that were damaged out of our control. Example. Tile is cracked in the shower and falls off while the cleaner is cleaning. Cleaners are trained on how to avoid areas that are not suitable for cleaning.
  • 如果 Pro 破坏了某些东西会发生什么?
  • 在我的服务期间会发生什么?
    我们将向您发送电子邮件 pdf,其中包含清洁前准备 pdf、40 点检查清单 pdf,我们可以回答剩余的所有问题。
  • 养宠物后你会清理吗?
    我们热爱 Swifty 的宠物,但为了我们专业人士的安全,我们无法处理动物或人类的排泄物或体液。
  • 服务期间我必须在场吗?
  • Can children and pets be around during cleaning?
    We ask that you keep all children or pets with you during the process of your clean. We use supplies and equipment that can injure children and pets. Example. A child pulls on the vacuum and it falls on them.
  • Can I add extras during service?
    In some cases we might have a client scheduled after you, we recommend you add extras during booking or up to one day prior to your service.
  • Will cleaner move furniture or appliances to clean under or behind?
    We don't want to damage your floors, or items, and cleaners are not trained on how to properly move large furniture or appliances. If you have anything you want cleaned under, please move prior to cleaners starting. You will be responsible for placing the item back. We do clean under or behind areas that are accessible without moving. Example. We will clean under a bed off the floor if the proper equipment can fit.
  • How do you clean hardwood floors?
    We use a soft clean microfiber pad and Bona solution on all hardwood floors. If you have anything you want your cleaner to use please note we can not insure if any damage happens or is caused by your product.
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