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Cancellation Policy
Cancellation policy - You can request to cancel your service up to 1 day prior to service for no charge. This can be done by contacting us during business hours or cancelling in your member area. Cancellation fee -If you cancel your service the day of, we will assess a $35 cancellation fee to your card on file per cleaner booked to clean your home. No REFUNDS once service is complete. Checklist guaranteed bookings- If anything on your service level was missed , report it up to 24 hours after service and we can either come back to complete or apply a 10% discount on your next service. Hourly bookings only- Once your booked amount of time is complete, there are no refunds on service. Phone number: (404) 735-6686 Email: swiftybookingsga@gmail.com
Contact Details
Metro Atlanta, GA, USA